What is your story?

No one will ever really see me.

No one cares about me.

No one supports me.

No one will commit to me.

No one cares about my needs.

No one listens to me.

I am too much.

I will never be enough.

One of my stories was that "men always reject me" and while I see now that there was so much evidence otherwise, I thought this nonsense was implicit truth.

No matter how many times we are shown the opposite of our story, we still keep it alive, always looking for evidence that the story is true...

So, how do we change our stories and finally heal?!

Actually, I don't know if there is one magic solution, however, I will tell you what I have done and what my inner guidance has led me to offer my clients...

Speaking of, I was with a client last week. Her story is "no one supports me."

The instinct, when you hear someone else's story, is to show them 1,000 ways in which what they are saying is not true.

Would you agree that sometimes you try to convince your friends, family members, and/or clients to see things differently because you intuitively know that when a personal narrative changes a life changes? This is what coaches do, and while I think a shift in perspective has value, something is lacking in these interactions.

We are in a new era now. This era emphasizes energy healing and body awareness as a necessary piece of the puzzle. (Have you noticed? It's all part of the awakening of the feminine! Internally and externally!)

After listening to my client, I could have listed all the ways in which she is, in fact, supported. However, even the most convincing case cannot change the way someone FEELS.


Her body feels like "no one supports" her. My client's energy is still a baby girl weeping, alone.

Instead of trying to talk my client out of the belief that "no one supports" her, I guided her to create space for her feelings. Not just a few tears and then we move on... No. Instead, we cleared the field and set up a picnic for whatever needed to be seen.

When we have big, messy feelings we often think the feelings are "from" the current events.

This is what I always thought!

I used to think that each new situation with a guy was simply about what was coming up right then and there, yet I kept finding myself on a merry-go-round, returning to the same place over and over! I wasn't getting it!

Now I know, just like how some say that stars are from another era, traveling through space and what we see is not representative of what we are seeing in our current reality, feelings are the same.

Feelings are old.

feelings are messengers from another time

So what do you do to heal and change your stories?

Well, I will tell you this, it isn't what I did… it is what I do.


I bow to my feelings. I surrender to my sensations, no matter how painful or sticky or inconvenient. Knowing that my feelings are sacred travelers, I attune to my body, and my gut in every moment.

I believe this feminine energy, the consciousness of feelings herself, actually changes when 'she' receives my attention.

In these moments, the old story then dissolves because the story is no longer fueled by a body being continuously misunderstood and unloved.

If you want a new story, here is what you do.

Take a pause. Take a deep breath and witness the energy within. Do this with a sweet gaze and an enveloping heart.

Now have patience.

Once your feelings of anger, rage, sadness, frustration, fear, and defeat are seen and held (instead of being rejected!) by you, the body will start to tell a new tale about your life and who you are.

My story is different now. I am less likely to reject myself and I also see that I am loved and wanted by men. (Or not, the truth is, the external story is less relevant given my internal relating!)

Back to my client. While ideally, we would have had many hours to move the energy (i.e., pound the ground, rip up cardboard, and cry it out) the time we spent was a bit shorter than I would like however it was pointed at her body. The focus on her body and emotions over time will help to dissolve the fabric of her stubborn stories… bringing her home to the truth.

As illustrated by her own attentive presence, my client will eventually see that she is always supported and eternally loved. As am I, and as are you.

Love, Tahra

P.S. Do you know what story you are carrying?

Let’s work together on a discovery healing.

Or maybe you worked with me in the past and want to do a healing package? Email me (tahra@aguidedsoul.com) for prices on packages of three or six healings. Learn more about services here.


